“医疗队在马里巴吉内达的一次义诊,附近32个村的村民都聚拢过来了,一拨又一拨根本看不完,直到下午2点才在忙乱中收场。”近日,援非医生、绍兴市人民医院麻醉科副主任医师张昌锋在微信朋友圈记录下他一天的工作。 During a recent free clinic in Baguinéda,
Mali, organized by the Chinese medical aid team, villagers from 32 nearby
villages gathered in large numbers, forming an endless queue that lasted until
2 pm before the event finally concluded
in a chaotic rush. Zhang Changfeng, a physician of anesthesiology at Shaoxing
People's Hospital and a member of the Chinese medical aid team in Mali,
recorded this day’s work in his social media platform. 作为第29批援马里中国医疗队队员,在非洲的9个多月,他常以图片和文字,将日常工作生活的点点滴滴以及马里的风土人情分享在朋友圈。 As a member of the 29th Chinese medical aid
team to Mali, Zhang has spent more than nine months in Africa, frequently
sharing his daily work and life, as well as the local customs and culture of Mali,
through pictures and text on social media. 在非洲的每一天,张昌锋都记忆深刻。 Every day in Africa leaves a lasting
impression on Zhang. “比起国内的高温,马里凉爽许多。”张昌锋说,现在正值马里雨季,传染病高发,当地人面临疟疾威胁。疟疾病人的增加,加上可能的感染风险,让张昌锋及其所在的医疗队较平常更为忙碌。 “Mali is much cooler compared to the
scorching heat in China,” Zhang said. It is currently the rainy season in Mali,
which is a time when infectious diseases are prevalent, and the local
population faces the threat of malaria. The increase in malaria cases, along
with the risk of infection, has made Zhang and his medical team busier than
usual. 马里,是西非的一个内陆国家,世界最不发达的国家之一。由于医疗条件落后,当地人患病常会硬抗。当地跆拳道教练Kida就是其中之一。 Mali, a landlocked country in Western
Africa, is one of the least developed countries in the world. Due to poor
healthcare conditions, locals often endure illnesses without proper treatment.
Kida, a local Taekwondo coach, is one of them. 在马里首都巴马科,由中国援建的马里医院,受到当地人的称赞。那条连接马里医院和医疗队驻地的路,由浙江援建,被称为“浙江大道”。张昌锋和晨跑搭子Kida就是在这条大道上认识的。 In the Malian capital, Bamako, the hospital
built with assistance from China has earned the praise of the local people. The
road connecting the hospital and the medical team's residence was built with
assistance from Zhejiang province and is known as "Zhejiang
Avenue".It was on this road that Zhang and his morning jogging companion,
Kida, became acquainted. 张昌锋与Kida合影。A picture of Zhang and Kida. “Kida的父亲因为糖尿病做了脚部截肢,需要长期换药。Kida常常在医院陪护。”张昌锋说,一来二去两人熟悉起来。 “Kida's father had a foot amputation due to
diabetes and requires long-term wound care. Kida often stays at the hospital to
take care of him,” Zhang said. Over time, the two became familiar with each
other. 有一天,这位强壮的跆拳道教练忽然在陪护时裹着被子,没什么精神。张昌锋知道,他感染了疟疾。“担心他耽误病情,我就帮他配了药。他很意外也很感动,紧紧握着我的手。” 张昌锋说。 Zhang noticed that the usually strong
Taekwondo coach was wrapped in a blanket and had a lethargic look while caring
for his father one day. Zhang realized that Kida had contracted malaria.
“Worried about his condition worsening, I gave him some medicine. He was
surprised and deeply grateful, holding my hand tightly,” Zhang recalled. 医疗队在当地使用的正是抗疟利器青蒿素。前段时间,回国短暂休假的医疗队队员又带回去800支药品,在当地免费发放给患者。 The medical team uses artemisinin, an
effective antimalarial drug, in their treatments. Team members returning from a
brief visit to China brought back 800 doses of the medication recently, which
were distributed to patients in Mali for free. 医疗队队员带去马里的药品。The medical team brought back
800 doses of artemisinin recently. 第29批援马里中国医疗队共23人,将在非洲工作18个月。北京时间2023年11月25日晚,张昌锋随医疗队经过12个小时的飞行抵达埃塞俄比亚中转,又飞行了7个小时,才抵达巴马科。那是巴马科最凉爽舒适的季节,“但过了1月,气温就不再友好了,通常是40摄氏度以上的高温。”张昌锋回忆,当地常常停电,卫生条件和设备落后,抢救药“少到可怜”。 The 29th Chinese medical aid team to Mali
consists of 23 members. They will work in Africa for 18 months. On the evening
of Nov 25, 2023, Zhang and the team arrived in Bamako after a 12-hour flight to
Ethiopia, followed by another 7-hour flight. It was the most comfortable season
in Bamako, but “after January, the temperature becomes unbearable, usually
surpassing 40 C,” Zhang recalled. The city where the team works frequently
experiences power outages, and the hygiene conditions and equipment are
inadequate, with a severe shortage of emergency medications. 第29批援马里中国医疗队为当地患者手术。The 29th Chinese medical
aid team conducting a surgery. 就是在这种医疗资源极度匮乏的情况下,医疗队通过治愈一例又一例病患,积攒了在当地的“好口碑”。凌晨2点,不顾疲劳抢救肠梗阻患者;在没有血气分析仪器等设备的情况下,抢救回了失血约3600毫升的患者……诸如此类的例子对张昌锋和同事来说不胜枚举。他说,中非是命运共同体,“这都是应该的”。 Despite the extreme scarcity of medical
resources, the team has built a strong reputation in local community by
treating one patient after another. They rushed to save a patient with an
intestinal obstruction at 2 am. They also successfully saved a patient who had
lost about 3,600ml of blood, despite the lack of blood gas analysis equipment.
These cases are countless for the team and Zhang, who believes “We're in a
China-Africa community with a shared future and this is just what we should
do.” 张昌锋还记得刚来马里的时候,有一位喉癌患者,经历了9个小时的手术。“康复期间他每天在走廊散步,因为术后不能说话,每次看到我就对我笑笑。为了证明恢复得不错,还会做几个标准的俯卧撑给我看,以这样的方式表示感谢。”张昌锋说。 Zhang also recalls a throat cancer patient
he treated when he first arrived in Mali, who underwent a 9-hour surgery.
“During his recovery, he would walk in the corridor every day. Since he
couldn't speak after the surgery, he would smile at me whenever he saw me. To
show his good recovery, he would even do a few standard push-ups to express his
gratitude,” Zhang said. 张昌锋与患者合影。A picture of Zhang and patient. 傍晚时分,张昌锋一般会去浙江大道上散步,也常碰到手术后的病人,一个做了脓胸手术的小女孩使他印象深刻。他说:“她恢复得特别快,术后第二天就在大道上散步,碰到我都会很腼腆地笑,我也经常给她棒棒糖鼓励她。” In the evenings, Zhang usually takes a walk
along the Zhejiang Avenue, where he often encounters post-surgery patients. One
girl who underwent surgery for empyema left a deep impression on him. “She
recovered very quickly, and I met her on the avenue the day after her surgery.
She would smile shyly at me, and I would always give her a lollipop as
encouragement,” Zhang said. 张昌锋与患者合影。A picture of Zhang and patient. 马里人酷爱足球,张昌锋几乎每天都能见到几拨人在浙江大道的足球场踢球,“他们有一半没有专业足球鞋,凉鞋也丝毫不减他们的兴趣”。他们见到中国面孔,甚至会用中文问候一句“你好”。 Malians are passionate about football, and
Zhang could see several groups of people playing on the football field along
the Zhejiang Avenue almost every day. “Half of them don't even have proper
football shoes, but their enthusiasm remains undiminished, even in sandals.”
When they see Chinese faces, they often greet them with a “Ni Hao” in Chinese. 张昌锋与当地人在一起。A picture of Zhang and the locals. 在这里,一条路连接起了医疗队的工作与生活,也见证了两国人民的真情和友谊。这也是一条“治愈大道”。 In Mali, the Zhejiang Avenue connects the
work and life of the medical team, reflecting the deep friendship between the
people of the two countries. It is also a “healing avenue”.
每日清晨5点半的晨跑,尼日尔河畔的驻足,亦或是在马里医院认识的当地朋友,都让张昌锋对这片土地有了新的认识。比如,他之前总觉得热带地区有吃不完的水果,“结果这里除了芒果还是芒果”;又比如,马里医院的当地同事,每天总会抽时间聚在一起煮茶喝,喝的基本都是中国生产的茶包。 Zhang has gained a new understanding and
love for this piece of land. For instance, he used to think that tropical
regions would have an abundance of fruits, “but it turns out that here, it’s
mostly just mangoes”. He also noted that his Malian colleagues at the hospital,
as well as the security staff at the residence, would always take time in the
morning to gather and brew tea, which usually comes from Chinese supermarkets. 张昌锋总是爱在朋友圈分享这些在非洲的见闻。 Zhang frequently shares his experiences in
Africa on social media. 援非时间过半,张昌锋的援非手记也写了340余篇,点滴中都是救死扶伤的拳拳医者心,也让我们得以瞥见半个多世纪以来中国对非医疗援助的坚持与成绩。 Halfway through the medical aid mission in
Africa, Zhang has written over 340 entries in his African aid journal, each
reflecting his dedication to saving lives and providing a glimpse into China’s
decades-long commitment to medical aid in Africa. 远离家乡和亲人,援非生活辛苦又充实,张昌锋已然爱上了这样的日子,“在这里的每一天都有意义,我愿奉献毕生所学”。和他一样,医疗队的每一名医生,都以实际行动诠释着中非命运共同体的深刻内涵。 Far from home, life in Africa has been both
challenging and fulfilling. Zhang has grown to love these days, saying,
"Every day here is meaningful, and I am willing to dedicate all my
knowledge." Every doctor like him in the medical team demonstrates the
profound essence of the China-Africa community of shared destiny through their
actions. (浙江省国际传播中心ZICC) |