在浙江义乌国际商贸城,61岁的李娜用她的坚韧和智慧,不仅书写了自己的创业传奇,更见证了中非贸易的日益繁荣。 At the International Trade City in Yiwu,
East China's Zhejiang province, a 61-year-old woman named Lena, affectionately
known as the “Chinese mom”, has crafted her own entrepreneurial legend through
resilience and wisdom. She has also borne witness to the sincerity and
prosperity of trade exchanges between China and Africa.
图为义乌国际商贸城远景。Yiwu International Trade City. 李娜来自安徽,原本是一名中学英语老师。退休后,她并没选择闲下来,而是在义乌这个充满商机的城市抓住了新机遇。一个偶然的机会,她和丈夫来到义乌旅游,这里出口贸易的繁荣景象和随处可见的外国商人激起了她的创业热情。 Lena is a retired English teacher from
Anhui province. A few years ago, during a trip, Lena was inspired by the
prosperity of Yiwu market and the strong international business atmosphere, and
she saw unlimited business opportunities.
工作中的李娜。Lena at work. 凭借流利的英语和敏锐的商业嗅觉,她选择了冷风机作为主打产品。这款产品在非洲地区尤为受欢迎,因为它既节能又环保,还能有效降温,完美契合了非洲缺电、炎热干燥的特点。 Lena decided to sell energy-saving air
coolers, which suit the hot and arid climate and meet the need for eco-friendly
and energy-saving products in Africa. 李娜的创业之路并非一帆风顺,但她凭借家人的支持和自己的努力,逐渐在市场中站稳了脚跟。她的“TRUSTLENA”品牌冷风机以其卓越的品质赢得了非洲客户的青睐,年销售额已经达到数千万元。 With the support of her family and her own
efforts, the "TRUSTLENA" products quickly became popular in African
market, winning the favor of numerous African customers with their excellent
quality, and annual sales have rapidly increased to tens of millions of yuan. 许多非洲客商亲切地称她为“中国妈妈”,这一称呼不仅是对她个人魅力的认可,更是中非商贸合作深厚情谊的生动体现。 Some African merchants call Lena
"Chinese Mom", which is a testament to her charm and also the
profound friendship between businessmen from China and Africa.
李娜与非洲客商交流。Lena communicates with African
businessman. 李娜与非洲客商合影。Lena and African businessman.
“妈妈人很好,特别友善。”非洲客商加帝这样赞美李娜。他回忆说,刚开始时,他的生意规模很小,但与李娜合作后,生意逐渐扩大,双方也建立了深厚的友谊。加帝表示,他愿意将李娜视为自己的“中国妈妈”,因为她在商业上给予了他无私的帮助和支持。 "Mom Lena is very kind and
friendly," said an African businessman Jadi. He recalled that at the
beginning, his business was very small, but with the cooperation of Lena, his
business gradually expanded, and they established a long-time friendship. Jadi
said that he was willing to regard Lena as his "Chinese mother"
because she had given him selfless help and support in business. 随着业务不断拓展,李娜的品牌在非洲市场以其高品质成为当地消费者的首选。她进一步扩大生产规模,并在绍兴设立了工厂,以满足日益增长的市场需求。 Lena's brand "TRUSTLENA"
gradually became the top choice for local consumers in the African market due
to its high-quality products. She set up a factory in Zhuji of Shaoxing to deal
the growing market demand.
Lena’s brand “TRUSTLENA”.
然而,随着销售额的持续增长,市场上出现一些与她的品牌名只相差一两个英文字母的仿冒产品。 However, with sales continuously surging,
some counterfeit products emerged in the market, differing from her brand by
just one or two letters. 为了应对这一挑战,李娜在产品外包装箱上印制了自己的个人肖像,还特意加上了“China
Mom Lena”(“中国妈妈”李娜)的标识。 To address this challenge, Lena printed her portrait on the outer packaging boxes of her products and deliberately added "China Mom Lena" to let customers recognize her brand. 李娜“TRUSTLENA”品牌冷风机。“TRUSTLENA”air cooler.
如今,李娜的“TRUSTLENA”品牌已经成为中非贸易的一个代表。李娜不仅实现了个人品牌的出海目标,更为中非贸易的繁荣发展贡献了自己的力量。在李娜看来,这份成就不仅仅是商业上的成功,更是中非友谊和信任的见证。 Nowadays, her brand "TRUSTLENA"
has gone abroad and become a shining hallmark for China-Africa trade exchanges.
She not only achieved her personal brand's goal of going global, but also
contributed her own strength to the prosperous development of China-Africa
trade. In her view, more than a commercial success, this is a witness to the
friendship and trust between China and Africa. “我相信,只要我们真诚相待、合作共赢,中非贸易交流的前景一定会更加美好。”李娜满怀信心地说。她的创业故事激励着更多人在义乌这片热土上追寻自己的梦想,共同创造中非贸易更美好的未来。 "I believe that as long as we treat
each other sincerely and cooperate for mutual benefit, the prospect of
China-Africa trade exchanges will surely be greater," said Lena.
Lena's success is a journey of her brand
going global and a witness of the prosperity of Yiwu's export trade, inspiring
more dream-chasers. (浙江省国际传播中心ZICC) |