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2024-9-5 23:48| 发布者: admin| 查看: 76| 评论: 0

摘要: 2024年中非合作论坛峰会4日至6日在北京举行,中非大家庭迎来又一次团聚。中非朋友一道,携手推进现代化,共筑高水平中非命运共同体。The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation is held in Beijing ...

2024年中非合作论坛峰会4日至6日在北京举行,中非大家庭迎来又一次团聚。中非朋友一道,携手推进现代化,共筑高水平中非命运共同体。The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation is held in Beijing from Sept 4 to 6. Chinese and African leaders gather to discuss future development on joining hands to advance modernization and build a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.

同非洲国家开展合作,中国秉持真实亲诚理念,这不仅体现在国家交往层面,还深深融入民间交流互动之中,推动中非关系不断向前发展。In cooperation with African countries, China adheres to the guiding principles of “sincerity, real results, amity and good faith”, which is not only reflected in state-to-state exchanges but also found in people-to-people exchanges and interactions, thereby promoting the continuous development of China-Africa relations.

作为专注非洲发展和中非合作研究的机构,浙江师范大学非洲研究院是我国非洲事务咨询重要智库、涉非人才培养重要基地和对非民间交往重要力量。95日,ZICC记者连线了参加中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式的浙江省国际传播特聘专家、非洲研究院院长刘鸿武。他从事非洲研究40年,对真实亲诚理念有着切身感受。As an institution specializing in the study of African development and China-Africa cooperation, the Institute of African Studies at Zhejiang Normal University (IASZNU) is a think tank for China's African affairs consulting, a base for talent training related to Africa, and an important force for non-governmental exchanges with Africa. Liu Hongwu, dean of IASZNU and expert on international communication in Zhejiang, attends the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation on Sept 5. He has been engaged in African studies for decades and has personal experience with the principles. 

      95日,刘鸿武参加中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式。Liu Hongwu attends the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation on Sept 5. 

在他眼中,真实亲诚这四个字,既体现了中非关系中的真诚与坦率,也蕴含了双方携手共进、共同发展的深厚情谊。In his view, "sincerity, real results, amity, and good faith" not only embody the sincerity in China-Africa relations but also encompasses the profound friendship between the two sides as they pursue common development. 


When engaging with African friends, we emphasize "sincerity." As a long-term observer and practitioner of China-Africa relations, Liu has a profound understanding of this concept. When establishing the IASZNU, he proposed the concept of "Passion for Africa, Chinese Characteristics and Global Perspective." African sentiment implies an emotional investment in it.


He said, "To study Africa, one must genuinely love Africa." This reveals his profound affection for Africa and his attitude towards African research. By organizing various academic conferences, lectures, and collaborating on projects with African universities, Liu and his team are dedicated to building a platform for China-Africa academic exchanges, fostering cooperation between the two sides in education, culture and other fields.


In cooperation with Africa, we uphold "real results". Liu believes that "real results" embody the down-to-earth spirit of China-Africa cooperation. Rather than empty slogans, China-Africa cooperation must be carried through specific projects and improvements to people's livelihoods.


"To study Africa, we must understand Africa. We need to go to the African continent and gain a clear understanding of its conditions. It’s necessary to have a solid grasp of Africa's geography, culture, politics, economy, and different situations of various countries. Only then can we conduct a genuine analysis," said Liu.


Liu believes that the remarkable achievements in Zhejiang's cooperation with Africa are attributed to our consistent adherence to pragmatic cooperation. He said that whether it is trade cooperation or cultural exchanges, we strive to achieve tangible outcomes that truly benefit people. He cited the example of Chinese enterprises in Africa, which brought employment and economic development to the local communities.


China has been Africa's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years, with trade reaching a record $282.1 billion in 2023, according to Xinhua News Agency. Over the past two decades, many Chinese engineers, technicians, and businessmen have worked in African countries, while African entrepreneurs have also invested in China, resulting in tangible benefits for both sides.


In our friendships with Africa, we cherish "amity". Liu said that China and Africa have a close and intimate relationship. The friendship between countries lies in the intimacy between their peoples. The in-depth development of China-Africa relations cannot be separated from extensive exchanges and mutual understanding between the peoples. Liu travels to Africa multiple times every year to engage in deep exchanges with African scholars, media, and ordinary people. These exchanges enhance mutual understanding and inject new vitality into China-Africa cooperation.


To address issues in cooperation, we adhere to "good faith". Liu believes that "good faith" is crucial in China-Africa relations. China and Africa need to communicate honestly and candidly to reconcile differing stances and find solutions acceptable to both sides, promoting the continuous development of China-Africa relations.


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